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Tag Archives: parenting
“I’m Bored.”

“My child complains about being bored and expects me to drop everything to entertain him.” How do we respond to such a common statement? Often parents feel the need to fix every problem their children have, including boredom. Children spend many hours a day in front of screens (TV, computer, video games) and are used View Post
View PostUse Encouragement instead of Praise and Rewards

“Children need encouragement like a plant needs water” (Rudolph Dreikers, an Adlerian psychologist and author of Children: The Challenge) Encouragement lets kids know they are loved and are good enough, just the way they are. It teaches children that they are separate from their actions and behaviours. It lets them know they are valued without View Post
View PostKind and Firm Parenting

Many parents are plagued with guilt. That’s because they are either too controlling (“I’m the Boss”) or too permissive (“Call me Milquetoast”). Some parents are a combination of controlling and permissive, vacillating between two extremes but not being consistent. Positive Discipline parents are neither. They practice firmness coupled with kindness. Which of the following styles View Post
View PostSelf-Regulation

Learning self-regulation helps kids stay focused in the classroom and beyond. Here are some easy ways to cultivate your child’s ability to self-regulate. Don’t forget the basics – plenty of sleep and healthy food. Being tired and hungry are stressors, and self-regulation suffers when children are stressed. Limit video-game playing, especially close to View Post
View Post‘8 Building Blocks to Good Communication’

Instead of nagging… notice “I see someone still in their pajamas.” “The bathroom light’s on.” Give information “It’s 5 minutes to breakfast.” “The weather report is calling for rain today.” Pose a Question “Is there anything you have left to do before we go?” “Ok, you forgot your book. How do you want to handle View Post
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