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Mabel’s Labels
Yay! We are one step closer to eliminating our lost and found!
Sticky Labels, Peel and Stick Clothing Labels, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more… there’s a label for everything your kiddo brings for the day.
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"An organization such as Parent Education Network is crucial in our community if we want to open the doors to better communication relationships between parents and children."
Alyson Schafer,
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Tag Archives: positive parenting
Use Encouragement instead of Praise and Rewards

“Children need encouragement like a plant needs water” (Rudolph Dreikers, an Adlerian psychologist and author of Children: The Challenge) Encouragement lets kids know they are loved and are good enough, just the way they are. It teaches children that they are separate from their actions and behaviours. It lets them know they are valued without View Post
View PostRaising Self-Reliant Children

Sometimes, parents wonder why their children misbehave and what can be done about it. Most misbehaviour can be traced to a lack of development of perceptions and skills that are necessary for developing capable people. Most behaviour problems can be eliminated when parents and teachers learn more effective ways to help their children develop these View Post
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